In this film, produced by Johnny Boston, futurist FM-2030 discusses optimism, abundance, universalism and immortality. Friends and family share their memories of FM-2030 and his views.
Author: floraschnall
Getting Ready: The 1990s, an Interview with Futurist FM-2030
FM-2030 discusses the rate of personal growth and the rapidly changing world. He shares how to make a smooth transition into coming decades and how to be progressive in all major areas of life like values and lifestyles, politics and ideologies, loyalties and levels of humanities.
Larry King Interviews FM-2030
FM-2030 appears on Larry King Live to discuss his book, Are You A Transhuman?
FM-2030 on the Financial News Network
Bill Griffeth interviews FM-2030 about the future of the financial markets. FM-2030 predicted lifestyles, types of technology and transportation that would be marketable in the 21st century.
FM-2030 Appears on CNN’s Future Watch
David George interviews FM-2030 about life in the 21st century and how to prepare for the future. They also discuss FM-2030’s book, Are You A Transhuman?
Searching for Identity in Iran’s Labyrinthine Bureaucracy
F.M. Esfandiary’s novel “Identity Card” was published in the mid-1960s. A dissection of the inhuman absurdities of the Iranian bureaucratic system, it is a book that has lost nothing of its relevance under the mullahs, as Ilija Trojanow, translator of the newly published German translation, tells Nimet Seker. Mr Trojanow, F.M. Esfandiary’s novel was published […]
Are you a transhuman?
The etymology of the term “transhuman” goes back to futurist philosopher FM-2030, formerly known as F. M. Esfandiary, who, while teaching new concepts of the human at New School University in 1966, introduced it as shorthand for “transitory human.” Calling transhumans the “earliest manifestation of new evolutionary beings,” FM argued that signs of transhumanity included […]
Johnny Boston Remembers FM-2030
Johnny Boston recounts his twenty-year long friendship with FM-2030. Read the essay online at
Light Millennium Interviews Flora Schnall about FM-2030
Light Millennium interviewed Flora Schnall, FM-2030’s long-term companion, colleague, and supporter about his life and future. Read Part 1 and Part 2 online at
Light Millennium Interviews Professor Gabriel Grayson
Light Millennium interviewed Professor Gabriel Grayson of the New School who was once FM-2030’s student. Professor Grayson shares his memories of FM-2030 and his dream since his cryonic-suspension last summer. Read the interview online at